Il futuro?

Future of ideas di Lawrence Lessig

Sposo in pieno queste considerazioni finali tratte da The future of ideas di Lawence Lessig e che mi sembra che siano generalizzabili anche ad altri aspetti sociali e politici della societa’ mondiale attuale.

..This is the future of ideas. It could be different, but my sense is that it won’t be. … We win the political struggle against state control so as to reentrench control in the name of the market. We fight battles in the name of free speech, only to have those tools turned over to the arsenal of those who would control speech. We defend the ideal of property and then forget its limits, and extend its reach to a space none of our Founders would ever have imagined.

We move through this moment of an architecture of innovation to, once again, embrace an architecture of control – without noticing, without resistence, without so much as a question.

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